

#1. Previous examples for main project

Devastating catastrophes struck planet Earth, the entire world is remained with six historic landmarks and their belonging ecosystems. Survivors from different cultures are teleported to one of the six remains. Describe these survivors’ surviving methods and lifestyle in these historic landmarks. 
Select from one of the six following historic landmarks, and one of the four following civilizations. 
Historic Landmarks:
Paiwan Slate House Settlement, Rapa Nui, the Terracotta Army, Parthenon, Taj Maha, the Great Pyramid of Giza. 
Neanderthals: Primitive species, elementary craftsmanship
Aztecs:      Mexico, early nomads, later civilization, pyramids, Sun deity
Sumerians:   Mesopotamia, agriculture, hunting
Dorset:      Civilization in Artic circle, hunting through the ice
Each team has to: 
1.	Decorate classroom into the selected historic landmark. 
2.	Perform the lifestyle of selected civilization in the selected historic landmark.
3.	Propose a possibility and future prospects of the combination.

#2.Task : Costco Flour

1. Planting Flowers (15 minutes)
The team solves the Textual Questions on the blackboard to determine the planting targets for the flowers. Each garden has different conditions, please match the flowers according to their growing requirements. The team identifies the types of flowers that can be planted in each garden. You can plant more than one
 type of flower in each garden.
2. Pollination practice (30 minutes)
Team should get information on which flower color matches with which animal type from the classroom decoration. Team then take pollen from the pollen wall, choose the type of animal, finally plan the transfer route based on flower colors.
3. Pollination evaluation (5 minutes)
Only four team members can participate. Within the time limit, the more flowers correctly pollinated with the correct animal movements, the higher the score.